How to apply Loan through GME App.


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How to Apply Loan through GME App

If you have an eligible visa, you can apply for a loan through our GME App.

Here is the complete list of Eligible Visa:

Sl Visa Type Visa Line
1 E-9 (General Worker) Direct
2 E-10 (Vessel Worker ) Direct
3 E-7-1 (Skill Worker) D2 to E7-1

D10 to E7-1

4 E-7-3 (Skill Worker) Direct
5 E-7-4 (Skill Worker) E9 to E7-4
6 F-2 (long term Visa) D2 to F2

E7-4 to F2


7 F-5 (Permanent))-10 F2 to F5
8 F-6 (Marriage Korean) Direct
9 E-1 (Professors) Direct
10 E-3 (Researcher) Direct

D2 to E3

11 F-4 (Overseas Korean) Direct

H2 to F4

12 H-2 (Overseas Korean) Direct

Steps on Loan Application through GME APP

Step 1

Download and install the GME app. available on Google Play and App Store. Register and submit the necessary requirements. After successful registration, you can now apply for a loan online.

Step 2
A1 “Loan” Click the button
B1 “Apply Loan”  Click Apply for loan button, for applying loan.
If you have previous application within a month as the inquiry date, there is option to choose to continue or start from scratch.
C1 Continue” Click this button to continue the previous unfinished application

Start from the beginning” Click to start application fresh

Step 3
A3 “Agree to All” Tick the Agree to all
B3 “Terms and condition” Read the term conditions in your language
C3 press confirm
D3 Terms and condition” Read the term conditions in Korean and press confirm and Press Next
A4 “Click” Choose your salary bank account and press click button
B4 “Yes” Press the yes button
Step 5
A5 “Scan Front Side Arc” Click the button and scan the front side of ARC
B5 “Upload button” If you already have picture of the front side of your ARC, upload it by clicking the button
C5 Fill all the rows accordingly
D5 Confirm Press confirm
Step 6
A6 “Scan Back Side Arc” Click the button and scan the back side of ARC
B6 “Upload button” If you already have picture of the back side of your ARC, upload it by clicking the button
C6 Fill all the rows accordingly
D6 Confirm Press confirm
Step 7
A7 “Scan Passport” Click the button and scan the passport
B7 “Upload button” If you already have a picture of the passport, upload it by clicking the button
C7 Fill all the rows accordingly
D7 Confirm Press confirm
Step 8
A8 “Amount range” Choose the amount range that you are available with
B8 “Confirmation” Press yes to confirm you are agreed with the amount
C8 press next
Step 9
A9 “Loan Amount” Input your desire loan amount within the available range
B9 “Loan Duration” Input your desire loan duration
C9 “Monthly Installment”  Press the button to get estimation of monthly installment amount
D9 Apply Now”  Press the button to apply
E9 Press yes to confirm the loan amount
Step 10
A10 “Camera Button” Click and scan work contract front side
B10 “Image Button” Click and upload existing work contract front side img
C10 Fill accordingly the company info
D10 Confirm”  Press the button to move to next phase
E10 “Camera Button” Click and scan work contract back side
F10 “Image Button” Click and upload existing work contract back side img
G10 Input your salary date
H10 Confirm”  Press the button to move to next phase
I10 “Image Button” Click and upload screen shoot of your fb profile img
J10 Next”  Press the button to move to next phase
Step 11
A11 “Name” Input your emergency contact name
B11 “Contact No” Input your emergency contact no
C11 “Relationship” Choose relationship
D11 “Add” Press add to add the emergency contract
E11 Check if the emergency contact are correct
F11 You can edit by clicking the name you want to edit
G11 Next”  Press the button to move to next phase
Step 12
A12 “Check my processing status” Click to finish the application process
B12 “Next” Click next to move to next phase
C12 “Status page” Check your loan status
D12 “Contact Us” Contact our staff to clarify your loan application status
Step 13
A13 You will get message from GME Finance that your loan is approved
B13 You can check your approved loan amount
C13 “Proceed” Click the button to proceed releasing the loan
D13 “Confirmation” Click yes to confirm the loan release
E13 “Digital Signature” Press yes to receive digital link for releasing loan
Step 14
A14 You will get message from GME Finance that your loan is released
B14 “Contact Us”  You can contact us to confirm us the loan details by clicking the button
C14 “Download” Click the download button to download the payment schedule
D14 Check the payment schedule