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Chuseok (추석) dikenal juga sebagai Hangawi (한가위), adalah salah satu liburan terbesar di Korea Selatan. Ini adalah hari libur tiga hari yang dirayakan setiap musim gugur, biasanya pada bulan September. Chuseok adalah waktu bagi keluarga untuk berkumpul bersama untuk berterima kasih kepada nenek moyang mereka atas panen musim gugur yang berlimpah. Ini juga merupakan waktu untuk reuni, pesta, dan permainan.

Dalam rangka menyambut hari Chuseok, Ada kabar menarik banget nih yaitu GME Finance mengadakan Event Chuseok lohh, Caranya bagaimana? yuk catat syarat-syarat nya
A. Membuat Konten Video:
Membuat video tentang berbagi kisah sukses seseorang yang menjadi sumber inspirasi atau kisah sukses pribadi Anda. Video ini bisa tentang kisah perjalanan Anda / Tokoh Insipirasi yang berdampak terhadap hidup Anda. Video berdurasi 1-2 menit. Di akhir video, sertakan segmen promosi 30 detik mengenai pinjaman GME. Sebagai nilai tambahan,
1.Peserta bisa sekreatif mungkin saat membuat video.Misalnya pakai pakaian tradisional, menggabungkan segmen yang menyenangkan.
2. Ide Promosi Lainnya : jika Anda tidak suka menunjukkan wajah mereka, mereka dapat mengirimkan cerita tertulis. Staf kami dapat menempatkan suara pada cerita tertulis.
B. Hadiah:
Semua peserta yang berpartisipasi akan mendapatkan hadiah (Tumbler dengan logo GME Finance)
1. Putaran pertama
Di antara 3 pemenang teratas (berdasarkan like & share terbanyak) tim akan memilih video yang paling kreatif & terbaik
Pemenang favorit mendapatkan crest dengan logo GME Finance + set pijat kepala (78000×36)
2. Putaran ke-2
Hadiah Utama : iPhone 14
Hadiah ke-2 : Tiket Perjalanan ke Jeju selama 2 malam (untuk 2 orang)
Hadiah ke-3 : Sepeda Listrik
Periode kontes nya dari tanggal 1 September 2023 SAMPAI 1 Oktober 2023!
📌 (Pengiriman video terakhir di tanggal 20 September 2023)
Gampang & seru banget kan??? YUUKKK!! Ikutan lomba nya dan menangkan hadiah nya!!

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Ferry Indonesia

Author Ferry Indonesia

More posts by Ferry Indonesia
제목 : 대부거래기본약관 변경에 대한 안내(2024.07.01 시행)
Title: Notice of Change to General Loan Agreement Terms (Effective July 1, 2024)

1. 시행일 : 2024년 07월 01일부터 시행
1. Effective Date: July 1, 2024 onwards

2. 대상고객 : 신용대출 상품을 이용하는 모든 고객(기존 고객 제외)
2. Target Customers: All customers using credit loan products (excluding existing customers)

3. 변경내용 : 변경된 대부거래기본약관에 대한 자세한 사항은 하단의 “기본약관”에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.
3. Change Details: You can check the details of the changed General Loan Agreement Terms under the “Basic Terms and Conditions” below.

대부거래기본약관 신구대조표
General Loan Agreement Comparison Table

변경 전(Before)
변경 후(After)
<특약(Special Provision)>

1. 외국인 신용대출은 소재지 불명 또는 비자만료등 대부업자의 채권보전에 현저한 위험이 발생 할 수 있으므로 제12조(기한의 이익의 상실)1항을 1회라도 위반시 대부업자의 독촉ㆍ통지 등이 없어도, 채무자는 기한의 이익을 상실한다.

1. Due to the significant risks to the creditor’s security, such as untraceable location or visa expiration, in the case of foreigner credit loans, if Article 12 (Loss of Benefits of Time) Section 1 is violated even once, the debtor will lose the benefits of time without the need for any demand or notification by the creditor.

변경 후(After)
<특약(Special Provision)>

1. 외국인 신용대출은 소재지 불명 또는 비자만료등 대부업자의 채권보전에 현저한 위험이 발생 할 수 있으므로 제12조(기한의 이익의 상실)1항을 1회라도 위반시 대부업자의 독촉ㆍ통지 등이 없어도, 채무자는 기한의 이익을 상실한다.

1. Due to the significant risks to the creditor’s security, such as untraceable location or visa expiration, in the case of foreigner credit loans, if Article 12 (Loss of Benefits of Time) Section 1 is violated even once, the debtor will lose the benefits of time without the need for any demand or notification by the creditor.

<신설(New Provision)>

2. 대출금 상환을 하지 않고 본국으로 출국한 때에는 변호사 및 추심업체에 채권 추심을 위한 의뢰를 할 수 있으며, 또한 채무자의 본국 주소지를 관할하는 법원을 관할법원으로 하기로 한다.

2. If the borrower fails to repay the loan and departs for their home country, the creditor may engage a lawyer and a collection agency to pursue debt collection. Furthermore, it is agreed that the court with jurisdiction over the borrower’s residence in their home country will be the competent court.”